Sometimes we get so busy in our day-to-day work, and personal lives, that we tend to put planning for our future on the back burner. For many women, just the thought of financial planning can be overwhelming. As you take regular strides to advance your career, you should also be thinking about your retirement. Our special guest, Marie Obichere will share why you don't want to wait to start investing.
Here are the 3 reasons why it's important to invest:
Grow your money
Save for retirement
Reach your financial goals
In our Water Cooler Chat, Marie breaks these down further. Tune in for more!
Do you have a plan for reaching your financial goals?
About Marie Obichere
Marie Obichere is a financial coach who helps families close the financial achievement gap. Growing up in Chicago and the surrounding areas, she noticed that there was lack of resources and information presented around healthy money habits. She now uses her time to educate families to help them get on the path of financial freedom.
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