3 Secrets to Staying Unemployed


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If you are unemployed but living your best life, then more power to you! For everyone else? We need a roof over our head, bills to pay, and a life that we want to enjoy too! So, if you are out of work, or it's time for you to move on from your current role, then this chat is for you!  Special guest, Chandra L. Gary, discussed these 3 secrets to staying unemployed:

  1. Have no clue of what you want to do, where you want to do it and no motivation to find out.

  2. Make sure your job search documents are jacked up (if you have them at all).

  3. Excel at Inappropriate Social Media Journalism.

Tune in to watch our Water Cooler Chat.


When was the last time that you updated your resume?

About Chandra L. Gary

Chandra L. Gary is a career coach & certified career advisor, that got her start in the field the year Prince released his Lovesexy album (look it up) and made a splash in the online coaching world in 2016. Chandra has inspired and equipped hundreds of clients with the skills and strategies they need to launch a successful job search without the stress and overwhelm that is so common with job seekers.  Her signature program is titled “Get The ‘Hell’ Out.”

Prior to online coaching, Chandra spent nearly 30 years in Career Services , having held administrative roles at Purdue University Calumet (now Purdue Northwest) and Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana.  At each of the schools Chandra helped students and alumni identify career options reflective of their interests and assisted with job search needs. In her role

Under her leadership Ivy Tech’s Career Services Department received the Career and Technical Education Award for Excellence from the State of Indiana in 2013.

Chandra earned a Bachelor of Science in Organization Management from Calumet College of St. Joseph and Master of Arts in Industrial Organizational Psychology from Argosy University Chicago’s Illinois School of Professional Psychology.  She is a certified to administer the Myers-Briggs® personality assessment, has earned the Certified Career Advisor™ (CA) designation and completed the requirements for her Global Career Development Facilitation (GCDF) certification.  Chandra also a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader.

A few fun facts about Chandra.  She loves Prince and all things purple.  She does not like clowns and considers herself a cupcake connoisseur. Chandra also has a “thing” about smiley faces and includes them in daily correspondence.

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