Network to Dream Job


You’ve had a number of AMAZING accomplishments throughout your career. You’ve earned all the necessary degrees and risen up the ranks at work. You’ve also made good money along the way.

All this success and you thought that by now, you would be feeling fulfilled in your career. But, that’s not the case because you’ve entered a new season in your life or career. You know deep down inside, you could be doing something different. You could be doing so much more!

You feel that staying in your current role will be comfortable and secure. But, if you're 100% honest with yourself, you’re really afraid of change and the unknown.


You’ve transitioned through roles in your career before. So, it shouldn’t be this hard to move on to something new, right? Wrong.

You’ve realized, after all, that you’re not exactly sure what you want to be doing next. You’re stuck doing mundane work or feeling undervalued by your employer so there is no way you see yourself staying another 5, 10, or 20 years!

You want to make a career transition, but don’t want to attain another degree or have to start back at the entry level.

You haven’t updated your resume and LinkedIn in years and you are dreading the daunting task of applying for jobs online.

Everyone tells you to “tap into your network” and “it’s all about who you know”. But, what does that mean? You have no idea as to how exactly your network can help you land a dream role.

If you are tired of being stagnant in your current job and getting in your own way, when you know you could be doing so much more.

If you are ready to land your dream job but are struggling to figure out which path to follow…

…then, it’s time to consider getting strategic support.

Network to Dream Job™ is a strategy and implementation program designed to get you from stuck in a career rut to gaining access to your dream job, so that you can finally do meaningful work you love while having the quality of life you desire. YOU are the only one who can propel your career forward, but you have to know the right moves to make and then put in the work. 

Navigating and changing careers can be tough, especially if you try to do it on your own.  Simply knowing where to start can even be difficult to figure out!  I've been where you are, so trust me, I know.

Here's Where I Come In


My name is Uzoma F. Obidike, and I am a Career Transition Coach and Professional Networking Strategist. All throughout my career, I have faced feelings of fear and self-doubt when it came to transitioning into a new season of my career. Sometimes, I also felt stuck and didn’t know which direction to take. But after getting clear on my career goals, establishing a solid personal brand, and leveraging my networks, I pushed through and got ahead. I was promoted into next-level positions fairly quickly.  I have been sought after for jobs and other opportunities that have all significantly contributed to growing my career.  I have also taken big leaps of faith and claimed opportunities I never thought I could attain. I want all of these things, and more, for you!

As your strategic and accountability partner…

I will teach you how to actually “tap into your network”, guide you through each step of my Full Bloom Framework, and provide the support you need to successfully transition into your dream role.


The Foundation

Module 0 | Activate Your Professional Network

Generate genuine relationship currency by building rapport, likeability, credibility, and trust with your contacts—so they are more willing to help you when you need it most. Also, establish a “stay in touch” system to prevent your relationships from going cold.

Upon completion of this module, you will:

  • Create a list of relevant contacts

  • Begin nurturing meaningful relationships with your contacts

  • Establish a simple system for staying in touch

Career Clarity

Module 1 | Increase Your Emotional Intelligence:

Develop a growth mindset that will help you overcome your fears, so that you can gain the confidence needed to go after your dream career. Also, increase your ability to understand and manage your emotions—and those of ideal employers—so that you will be able to effectively communicate your value.

Upon completion of this module, you will:

  • Re-frame your self-doubt and fears around advancing your career

  • Interpret the mindset of employers

  • Identify your style of influence

Module 2 | Clarify Your Career Goals:

Gain clarity on your career goals, so that you know the direction towards which to start moving. Conduct research on all facets of your dream job or ideal next-level career opportunity, so that you are well informed on how to proceed with your strategy. Also, identify professional development opportunities, so that you can enhance your skills and become current on your industry’s trends.

Upon completion of this module, you will:

  • Conduct a personal career assessment

  • Research target employers, companies, and key employees

  • Research target job titles, functions, and key people

Personal Branding

Module 3 | Develop Your Personal Brand:

Develop your executive and leadership presence, so that you can be perceived as more competent, credible, and trustworthy. In addition, package your transferable skills into a marketable personal brand, so that you can start attracting, pursuing, and accepting relevant opportunities that come your way.

Upon completion of this module, you will:

  • Establish your personal brand

  • Write your future-facing career story

  • Package your job search marketing materials

Module 4 | Build Your Online Platform:

Establish your “home base” on LinkedIn and/or personal website, so that you can be easily accessible to peers, industry leaders, and ideal employers—and have them coming back for more.

Upon completion of this module, you will:

  • Clean up your online reputation

  • Manage your social media presence

  • Create your online career portfolio

Relationship Management

Module 5 | Showcase Your Thought Leadership:

Curate and create content online—or develop an initiative—that will showcase your area of expertise, so that you can create awareness and build trust with those in your industry, including ideal employers.

Upon completion of this module, you will:

  • Create content around your area of expertise and career industry

  • Determine your content delivery method

  • Attract people who have influence within your network and ideal companies

Module 6 | Leverage Your Professional Connections:

Implement simple networking strategies that will keep you top-of-mind when new opportunities arise. Also, leverage your new and existing networks to gain access to your dream job.

Upon completion of this module, you will:

  • Re-engage your existing relevant networks

  • Make new relevant connections at your ideal companies

  • Cash in your relationship currency to land the job

Investment: $4,997
(financing options are available)

Here's What You'll Get

  • 6-month access to a virtual classroom, which includes:

    • onboarding and foundational modules

    • pre-program action assignments

    • 6 learning modules based on the Full Bloom Framework

    • action assignments for each module

  • One 1-hour kick-off strategy session via Zoom

  • Bi-weekly 30-minute coaching/strategy sessions for 6 months

  • Unlimited email and Voxer (audio message) access to me for 6 months

  • Conversation scripts and email templates that will help you to re-engage your existing relationships and begin the conversation with new contacts

  • Stay in Touch Relationship Tracker

  • Access to supplemental program resources that are personalized just for you!

Plus, these AMAZING bonuses!

Network to Dream Job Bonuses - Laptop, iPad, iPhone, Desktop mock-up image
  • Resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile audits and done-with-you co-creation

  • Access to a bonus library that contains additional resources on interviewing, salary negotiation, and more!


Investment: $4,997
(financing options are available)

Why Should You Work with Me?


What makes me different from other career coaches is that I do not focus solely on resumes, cover letters, interviewing, etc. Are these things important? Absolutely! However, when you focus on them alone, they are simply just tools in a toolbox. What you really need is the instruction manual!

You need to know HOW to utilize these tools AND have a strategy in order to land your dream job.

When you work with me, I will provide you with a blend of coaching and strategic guidance. Network to Dream Job™ is designed to help you take the guesswork out of your next-level job search or career transition process. During our time working together, I will provide you with an actionable step-by-step plan to help you land your dream job. You will learn how to utilize your existing network and new contacts to help you on this career advancement journey. As an educator, I will guide you through this process by using various teaching tools and I will be there to support and hold you accountable along the way.

What Previous Clients are Saying


Before deciding to work with a career coach, I was moving to a different level in my career and also moving to a different state. I was worried about not having the connections to land a job as a new nurse practitioner, when I've previously been a registered nurse. I chose to work with Uzoma because I attended several of her online and in person presentations and was impressed with her knowledge in career coaching. Though her expertise does not focus on any one particular career industry, Uzoma took time to ask relevant questions before giving her recommendations.

I am oftentimes shy.  Sometimes, I find it difficult to sell myself to potential employers.  Uzoma's career strategy program helped me to see the importance of making connections and promoting myself. I loved the program because it felt individualized to my needs.  In particular, I needed to learn how to network. I was given baby steps that helped me to become more comfortable approaching people and making connections. The process was smooth, gradual and organized.  Before I knew it I was talking to everyone and anyone which eventually led to my first job in my new field.  Uzoma's guidance was instrumental in helping me to pinpoint areas that I needed to work on to push myself to the next level and connect me to my next big opportunity!" 

- A.E. | Nurse Practitioner

Uzoma is amazing at what she does. She helped and guided me through two major career decisions that really helped me to get to where I am today. About six years ago, I applied for a new position. The salary for the new position was only a $2,500 increase and I was torn between being comfortable and staying in my previous role or gaining a new experience, and having more duties/challenges. Uzoma really helped to guide my decision and gave me a great perspective. Thus, I took the new position despite of the pay. Nonetheless, within a year I received a $5,000 salary increase and within two years, I received another $10,000 increase. For my next career dilemma, I wanted to become a Director. I was randomly sought after and was a offered a new position with a different company. The pay would have been a $10,000 increase; however, I wouldn't have liked my role and it would have been out of my area of interest. Uzoma taught me how to negotiate a title change and salary increase with my current position. Thus, I turned down the new opportunity and now I am a Director, I have also been given other roles, leadership training, and I received a salary increase. Uzoma is passionate about building other women up and teaching them how to brand themselves and not staying stagnant. She is the absolute best!

- Katrina | higher education

I honestly got more than what I bargained for working with Uzoma and I am sold! My primary reason for moving forward with working with her is from our initial call. The first impression is a lasting one and I was impressed! From the very start, Uzoma was very professional, confident yet humble, compassionate, and good-natured. Understand that while she is about her business, her STRONG passion to see and help others prevail exceeded my expectation so she is definitely worth the investment. She asked me thought provoking questions to pull answers out of me that I never thought to ask myself and no other person who I previously worked with asked. She forced me to ponder and really dig deep on my vision of my career path. That was one of the many unexpected benefits that I gained since implementing Uzoma’s strategies. Once we narrowed down my forte, the emphasis was what I wanted my end-result to be career wise. Uzoma created my resume and cover letter with the data she collected from our calls. I posted my resume and applied for jobs on January 1, 2020. Interviews came in within my first week from companies who rejected my previous resumes. The BEST part of working with Uzoma is the fact that she has such a beautiful spirit! Uzoma, I humbly thank you for your dedication to your expertise. Continue to “Lead Beautifully!”

- Cori | human resources

Investment: $4,997
(financing options are available)

Uzoma meeting outside with client. Uzoma is showing the client something on the laptop

This program is for you if:

  • you want to attain a next-level job in your industry or you want to pivot and make a career transition, and you are willing to take the time needed to get there

  • you have the education, expertise, and experience, but you just don't know how to best showcase them

  • you don't know how to strategically leverage your networking efforts to gain or secure new career opportunities

  • you are ready to close the gaps in your job search process by using strategies that actually work

  • you are ready to stop playing small! You are committed to doing the work and begin trusting the process

This program is NOT for you if:

  • you are out of a job and need to find any type of work ASAP

  • you want to stay stuck in a career rut and remain unfulfilled

  • you just want to update your resume and endlessly apply for jobs online

  • you are a pro at networking and don't have any problems making new connections

  • you refuse to get outside of your comfort zone and try something new

  • you don't see the value in investing in yourself to get ahead in your career


Investment: $4,997
(financing options are available)

Frequently Asked Questions

Uzoma Writing.jpg
  • It really depends on how committed you are to completing the modules and action assignments. Network to Dream Job™ is designed to be self-paced with ongoing support and guidance from me. This means you can take as long as you need (up to six months) to go through the program. However, the minimum recommended time to go through the curriculum and complete the action assignments is 12 weeks. text goes here

  • It is true that you could scour the internet for articles, helpful resources, and training videos. The downside of doing this is that you will spend a lot of your time trying to sort out all of this information to figure out the best plan of action… when you could be using that time to actually begin your job search. In addition, you may run into a number of conflicting perspectives, which would just add confusion to your process.

    When you invest in this program, you won’t be paying for information. You will receive the step-by-step roadmap, support, and guidance you have been seeking. It’s almost like investing in a college course taught by an experienced professor. Except, they don’t teach you this in school!

  • Working with me will not replace the benefits of traditional mentorship. In fact, I highly recommend that you have more than one mentor, who can help you in multiple facets of your career and personal life. Your unpaid mentors will typically offer you general guidance and support over a long period of time. In addition, they may have direct experience in your chosen field. My work is different in the sense that I focus on teaching you specific networking and personal branding strategies that will help you to land your dream job regardless of your industry. I do this by utilizing a unique blend of coaching, mentoring, and consulting.

    When you work with me, I will provide you with a fast-track system that you will be able to implement during and after the program. I will teach you to attain your dream job with built-in accountability.

  • Absolutely! In this program, I teach you how to make a career transition by gaining career clarity, developing a strong personal brand, and leveraging your network. You need all three of these areas to access any industry.

    Here is an example of the industries that I’ve helped my clients transition from or to: Higher Education Leadership • Higher Education and Student Affairs • K-12 • Human Resources • Marketing • Sales • Healthcare • Industrial Maintenance • Politics • Energy • Social Services • Cosmetic Science

  • I cannot make a promise on factors that are outside of my control and yours. However, if you commit to following the program as outlined, you will learn the EXACT strategies needed to open more doors of opportunity for you. You will begin to build relationships with key individuals at your ideal places to work. In addition, you will see a significant shift from your current career situation to where you will be upon completion. I have used this exact 6-step framework time and time again to gain access to both career and business opportunities. The clients who have worked with me have also attained similar results.

  • 1) If you don't take action now, there is a strong chance that you will remain complacent in the same situation because you may not feel an urgent need to take action. I know this because people tend to stay comfortable in their roles until their job is threatened (i.e. lay off). Or they start scrambling to get things in order when a new opportunity becomes available. Unfortunately, at that point, it may be too late to fully prepare. Don't let this happen to you.

    2) Due to my current capacity, I am only able to enroll a small number of clients each month.

    Ultimately, how much more time do you want to waste stuck in a dead-end role or stagnant career?

  • Voxer is a free walkie-talkie app that you can use to send voice messages, text messages, and photos. As busy a woman balancing family, work, and other priorities, I understand that it is not always easy to block out an hour or more to get on a phone call. My clients have found unlimited access to me via text or audio to be very convenient and beneficial. With this app, you can send your questions at any time of day AND as they come up. With having to wait for your next coaching/strategy phone calls, you may forget your questions or you may require urgent support.

    Of course, I have a life too! So, there will be set times when I will be responsive. These details will be shared during your complimentary Next Career Move call. You’ll also receive unlimited email support from me. You can utilize this when you want me to review your work or take a look at your LinkedIn profile, for example.

    If you decide that you need more than three (3) coaching/strategy sessions, you always have the option to purchase additional sessions.

  • One of the first things I teach in Network to Dream Job is your mindset. Instead of thinking of this program as an “expense”, view it as an investment.

    When you invest in yourself, you will see a significant change in the growth of your career. The strategies that I will teach you in this program will not only help you land your dream job, but these are strategies you can use for a lifetime! You will be able to use my Full Bloom Framework to gain access to other next-level opportunities like holding a leadership role in a non-profit board, getting nominations for awards, gaining clients and collaborators for your own business, and so much more. You can’t put a price tag on that!

    You may not think twice when it comes to investing in an expensive designer handbag, the latest iPhone/Samsung phone, or that much-needed girls’ trip. There is nothing wrong with investing in the things that add value to your life. Therefore, you owe it to yourself to have a career that will also add value to your life. So don’t wait for your current job to invest in you. Don't wait for the "right time" to take a risk and try something new. The time is now to take matters into your own hands! Commit to a program that will deliver precisely what you need, so that you can reach career fulfillment sooner.

  • There are no refunds available for services rendered. Our time is very valuable to each of us. This program can only be successful if we both do our parts. I am committed to helping you reach your professional goals as outlined in the program description above. I expect that you will also commit to taking the recommended action steps in order to see results.

  • You are in good hands! As a follow-up for participating in Network to Dream Job™, you will be invited to join the Alumni Club. There, you will find the option to enroll in continuation services. Details will be shared with you upon the conclusion of the program.

  • Please email Uzoma at uzoma(@)

Applying and booking your call is simple! Here’s how it works:

Uzoma typing on cell phone


Complete Application

Click the button below to start your application and schedule your Next Career Move call with me. Check out the special bonus content while you wait!

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Make the Call

Schedule your Next Career Move call. You’ll share with me your career goals and challenges. Then, I’ll offer my recommendations for your next steps.

Conversation Image.png


Get Started!

If working together will be a mutual fit AND you are ready to commit and take action, I will invite you to invest in my program. I will serve as your guide along the way!


Are you ready to get unstuck and finally land your next dream job?!

Investment: $4,997
(financing options are available)