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In addition, get instant access to our free career resource library, which includes a step-by-step guide on how to (actually) leverage your network when transitioning to your next dream job.
Has your career stalled because you've been in the same role or industry for years?
You've risen up the ranks (i.e. snagged the titles and the high salaries), but something is still missing.
Your work no longer fulfills you or allows you the quality of life you desire.
You're afraid to make a move, or quite frankly, you don't know what steps to take first.
So you start with your resume... but you haven’t updated your resume in YEARS and dread the daunting task of applying for jobs online.
I Want To Let You In On A Little Secret...
The career of your dreams is most likely:
Not posted publicly or posted at all. #hiddenjobmarket
Not readily available right when you're ready to begin job searching
Not even created yet!
Did You Know?
While most job seekers head to the job boards first when beginning their job search, the #1 way employers prefer to find candidates is through referrals (Jobvite). A LinkedIn study found that 76% of people know that networking leads to opportunities, but only 22% actually do.
When it comes to women specifically, women traditionally do not have strong networks. According to LinkedIn, women in the United States are 28% less likely than men to have a strong network.
Some reasons for this include:
Family demands do not allow for extra hours to schmooze with coworkers or attend networking events.
An unconscious feeling that networking is wrong or "icky", and it's bad to ask for help or self promote.
Feeling the need to only work hard to earn a seat at the table, but are neglecting what the "Ol' Boys" have figured out... relationships are crucial, too.
It's Time to Tap into Your Network!
Networking gives you access to information, resources, and other people that can all lead to amazing career opportunities. Sounds simple enough, but you may be thinking:
"What if I have a small network?"
"Networking makes my skin crawl."
"Networking has never worked for me before."
"How do you ACTUALLY network to find a job?"
That’s where I come in! Leveraging your network, I'll guide you through a seamless career transition that aligns with your current life season.
When you work with me, you’ll:
Get clear on your next career move so you can have a targeted approach to job searching and networking.
Develop and showcase your personal brand so unexpected ideal career opportunities will find their way to you.
Leverage your new and existing relationships to gain access to your dream career opportunities.
Career Transition Services
Do you want to leverage your network to make a successful career transition? Start here:
** Financing options are available for all services.**
Meet Dr. Uzoma
Hi there! I’m Dr. Uzoma F. Obidike.
Throughout my career, I have helped students, members of my teams, and professionals to reach their career goals. I have done this through one-on-one coaching and mentoring, facilitating leadership programs, presenting at conferences, and leading staff trainings and retreats.
I started She Leads Beautifully™ because I have worked alongside many professional women with BIG career dreams; however, they felt stagnant in their current roles. This was either because they did not know what to do next or they simply did not know the first steps to take to make the transition.
My advice? "Tap into your network!"
I know that's easier said than done. I have always been told that I have a gift for building genuine relationships. I can honestly say that leaning on my network for information, resources, and other contacts have been instrumental in me landing jobs and other amazing career opportunities over the span of my career.
Networking has always come naturally to me, but I know that's not the case for everyone.
After reviewing the strategies that helped me gain access to career opportunities, immersing myself in research, and working with clients of various professional backgrounds, I uncovered three key areas of focus needed to transition into higher-level roles or make a career change. These areas are:
Career Clarity
Personal Branding
Relationship Management
This insight led to the creation of my Full Bloom Framework, which I consistently use as the foundation across all my programs and services.
With She Leads Beautifully™, I am on a mission to guide women through seamless career transitions that align with their current life season by empowering them to tap into their networks.
Don’t let complacency, uncertainty, or fear sabotage your career growth. Tap into your network and watch amazing career opportunities flow your way!